Headshot and Event Articles by Ludeman Photographic

Headshot Photographer and Corporate Event Photographer John Ludeman captures highlights of his business Ludeman Photographic. Home office is Sammamish but he regularly goes on site to companies in Bellevue, Redmond and Seattle. Companies include MicrosoftAmazonAllen Institute, Salesforce and many others!

Anarctica with Quark Expeditions, 2023. Photographed by Ludeman Photographic (http://ludemanphotographic.com)

A Headshot Photographer in Antarctica

As a headshot photographer, I was accustomed to capturing the essence of human subjects through my camera lens. However, my recent trip to the South Georgia Islands on my way to Antarctica, challenged me to take my photography skills to a new level. I needed to focus on capturing the beauty and wonder of the island’s wildlife in a way that would engage the human viewer.

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